Payroll Services



Payroll is a key accounting activity for every business. And its successful processing is important to keep one’s employees satisfied and motivated.

Payroll Services – Why Outsource?

At AirAccounts, we have noticed that many small and medium-sized companies struggle to run their payroll successfully. Often, business managers get stuck due to some technical difficulty with the software they are using, or they fail to observe ATO regulations regarding Employee Superannuation, PAYG Withholdings, Payroll Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax, etc.

Thus for such companies and business enterprises, outsourcing their book-keeping and payroll requirements to us can help prevent such mishaps. At the same time, it can mean significant benefits for you in terms of time, money and energy savings translating into more value for money.

Payroll Services – Our Package Inclusions

We are extremely proud of our payroll packages as they are quite comprehensive. Our packages include:

  • Setting up your payroll system
  • Running the payroll on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis as per your needs
  • Disbursing payments to your employees along with their payslips
  • Taking care of Employee Leave Entitlements
  • Managing Employee Attendance – We have built our own software applications, ZWM and ZTR, which we offer for FREE to all our clients. These applications can be used to log employee hours, and can be integrated with the payroll software to calculate employee wages.
  • Fulfillment of ATO Compliances like Superannuation Benefits, PAYG Withholdings, Payroll Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax, etc.
  • Fulfillment of FWC Compliances – By giving you reminders to comply with the wage rate policies of Fair Work Commission from time-to-time
  • Providing you with End-of-year Payment Summaries

The above list is not exhaustive. In case you have more requirements, we are always willing to accommodate them in our offerings.

Payroll Services – Ad Hoc Support

In case you wish to process your company’s payroll yourself, but simply need some advice, training or technical support to manage it, then we are more than willing to offer our assistance in any way as possible. Our team of accountants, led by our own in-house CPA, are always delighted to offer you our services.

To book an appointment with us, you may contact us here.

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